About Rees Food Safety
Since 2010 we have provided a food safety course that is straight to the point and easy to understand. When you take your quiz you will PASS!

Ms. Ree is a food safety professional who worked with state and federal regulations for 32 yrs. For many years she taught food handlers in the traditional classroom setting. In today’s work world, time is of the essence and she realizes there is a need for on-line food handler training.
She decided to take her knowledge and create an on-line state accredited course for employees. She has kept it simple and straightforward. Her years of experience have given her the opportunity to work one-on-one with many food handlers. She has written a course that is not complex and to the point. She knows employees want a clear explanation about safe food handling. We hope you decide to take her course and learn the food safety basic principles to keep the food safe for your customers.
This training meets the Texas Department of State Health Services requirements for your Food Handler Certificate (FHC). After completing the seven short food safety modules, your certificate can be printed at your computer. The seven modules take no more two hours to complete. The FHC needs to be provided to your Manager. This will verify you completed your training!
Your FHC is valid for two (2) years from the date of completion. Local health departments may require you to obtain a city or county food handler card by presenting your certificate.
This training helps you understand why each person involved in food handling is important in keeping the food safe for customers.
When food handlers are careless, foodborne illness can result. An outbreak can destroy a business reputation, cause a decline in customers and even cause death.